Friday, 2 September 2011

Back Home!

OMG! This is coming to my 5th week of my university! Is been weeks of mugging of a whole new level! Nothing beats a fruitful knowledge taught in school! I love mugging even though some things don't work or make sense at times. You find a problem, take 2 hours to come up your theory to the problem. An hour later, your tutor prove you wrong in a few mintues. (Argh sucks!) Uni life is not only mugging but also a way to analysis your working style in future! i got to say study do put you in a shit hole at times, but it will never short change you! What you decide to do now, will determine how you finish or end your uni life. i got to say no one wanna just mug whole day. i prefer an holistic player. I'm fascinated by those top model or blogger in the world who is a graduatian in my makes be wanna start to chase my dream!